Monday, February 22, 2016

DOLORES!! new area is suuuuper different. San miguel is only like an hour away, but it´s crazy how different it is from Dolores! Dolores is kind of sketchy hahaha. I am the ONLY American, we take bucket showers and live with cockroaches and lizards haha. But, the branch here is really helpful and good to us!!

My comps are super awesome missionaries! It feels sooooo good to be with people who know what they are doing! I have learned more in one week than I did in twelve weeks in SM.

On thursday there was a special meeting for leaders of the mission. Only zone leaders and sister training leaders were able to go. I guess when I came to the area, my comps had instructions to bring me to this meeting, so we woke up at 230 amand headed to queretaro! When I got there, we had new assistants to the president and I got kicked out of the meeting because Im not an actual leader hahaha, so I went with some other hermanas and worked while the meeting was going on. It wasnt all bad though because I got to see my homie Elder Ramirez from SM!!

Yesterday was a crazy day. Our gospel principles class is very diverse haha. Everyone there is either an investigator or a really old funny person haha. Half of our investigators are really sketchy looking haha. 2 of them come to church in jeans and snap backs and have tattoos all over their necks and arms, but they are really awesome and progressing a lot!
After church we went to a house for our dinner and found out that our investigator´s (who is going to get baptized this saturday) baby died. We went to the hospital to be with him and when we entered the room, the mom of the baby was holding the lifeless baby and crying and yelling for the baby to wake up. It was one of the hardest and most powerful things i have ever seen.

Sorry my emails havent been very good, and i havent sent week haha!!

Hermana Knudsen

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Wow, these transfers destroyed our district haha. I am now in Dolores Hidalgo and im in a trio!! Both of my companions are sister training leaders (the leadership position for sister missionaries), and they are amazing!! One is from colombia and the other is from baja california and they are both super sassy and funny. One of them goes home after this transfer so I can tell that we are going to work suuuuper hard!! One of my neighbor elders got made a zone leader in Salamanca, the other is staying in San Miguel as a district leader and my companion also got transferred and they closed our area!

My new area is really big and we share it with Elders again...but I dont think they they are really good friends with my companions haha. San Miguel was wayyyy prettier than dolores haha, but my companions told me that the members here are super awesome and that they have 2 baptisms planned for this month!! woohooo!!

I am kind of stressed out to be companions with leaders haha. I had like 0 real training with my other companions and I have no idea what Im doing. With my first companion, I was just getting used to Mexico and the mission life, so I didnt do much to hasten the work haha. My second companion never I didnt learn much from her...but I learned a lot because of her hahahah. This transfer I am ready to help, teach, and love the people!! I can already tell that I am going to learn so much from them!!

This week was pretty good. It was my comps bday on wednesday, so we went to a hamburger place and she got free food! We said goodbye to a lot of people just in case we got transferred...and Im really glad we did that haha.

I am so pumped and scared for this transfer!!

Hermana Knudsen

Kourt added this to her letter to me (Mom):
i love my friends here sooo much! everyone ive met on the mission is amazing and totally worth all of the hard times. i remeber when i got set apart that the stake pres blessed me to be able to make friends, but i never imgained i would love everyone this much haha

Monday, February 8, 2016

Last week before transfers!

This was a pretty good week. We live in a new house now and its huge! We have two floors and its super clean haha. We dont have a washing machine like promised though :( we also dont have gas right ive been taking freezing cold showers.

Our investigator who will be gettting baptized soon worked allllll week, so we havent visited her in a while and Im not sure when she can be baptized!

On Thursday we went to QuerĂ©taro to hear Elder Paul B. Pieper speak to us. He did a really good job and a got to see a bunch of missionaries! My friend from the MTC was there and I saw my old companion, Hermana Cruz! We had to be at the bus station at 5:50 am and then on the way home we found out that there is not a direct bus from queretaro back to San we had to take a train to Celaya...which means we got to go to costco haha! It made for a super long day,  but it was great! Elder Pieper taught us how to work with less actives and how to focus more on the work. I guess his lessons helped us because on sunday 2 less actives came to church!

This weekend was some kind of carnival in down town san miguel. Im not really sure what they are celebrating, but there are tons of flowers all over and the streets are full of people trying to sell stuff. Saturday and Sunday night people could buy painted eggs that are hollowed out and filled with are supposed to crack them on people´s head hahaha, it was super funny to watch. My companion and I bought some and it was super messy haha...its also kind of painful, because the eggs are really sharp when you crack them, so i have a bunch of cuts on my hands.

On sunday night the whole district got invited to eat dinner with the lady who washes our clothes, and that was really fun. It was probably the last time we will all be together. This weeked we have transfers and I honestly have no idea what will happen. For sure some people will change, but we have all only been here 3 transfers or less, so it could be anyone! 

I love and miss everybody!
Hermana Knudsen

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2 Baptisms!

This was a pretty good week. We had 2 baptisms in our ward! (It´s just too bad that none of them were because of me and my companion haha.) On friday an 8 yr old girl was baptized, and it was really cool because the family feeds us breakfast every friday, so it has been fun to see her progress. During the baptismal service, her 10 year old brother was asked to bear his testimony and he couldnt do it because he was crying so much, it was really sweet.

Saturday the Elders in our ward baptized an investigator and that was pretty cool for me too because the investigator speaks english and he always helps me out haha.

One of our investigators is progressing really well and we are hoping for her to be baptized on feb 13!! It will be really cool if I get to be one of the missionaries at her baptism because I helped find her and have seen her entire progression!

We are going to be moving houses tonight...its going to be sad to not have neighbor elders anymore haha :( We are also going to celebrate the birthday of a really nice member with the Elders tonight.

This week a general authority is coming to the mission, and I think on Thursday we get to go to Queretaro to see him! (which also means that we might get to go to costco! :P)

Hermana Knudsen